Equality of Resources, Ethical Principles and Sustainable Development
Mayavee Singh
Department of Philosophy, Goa University, Goa, (Former Institution) India (India)
A harmony between human being and natural resources are significant, but exploitation of the natural resources are not respectable in numerous sense. My main contention in this paper is that in order to save the natural resources for future generations there should be a state policy for equal distribution of natural resources, so that we can accomplish the need of the present generation and at the same time preserve the resources for future generations. This paper is an attempt to apply the Ronald Dworkin’s ethical philosophy of ambition-sensitive and endowmen-insensitive notion of distributional equality on sustainable development.
Dworkin, sustainable development, resources, equality, stateReferences
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Mayavee SinghDepartment of Philosophy, Goa University, Goa, (Former Institution) India India
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