The Paradigm of Social Consensus for Shaping the Structural Order in Development Management
Franciszek Piontek
WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Poland)
Barbara Piontek
bempiontek@gmail.comWSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Poland)
The purpose of the paper is to show the essence of social consensus, its origin and evolution from the norm inscribed in human nature to the paradigm. It describes selected management areas where consensus is applied and assesses effects. An attempt was made to indicate the conditions necessary for the efficient and effective functioning of the consensus.
The following hypothesis is adopted for research: The improvement of effectiveness and efficiency in the application of the paradigm of social consensus in development management by the public authority is determined by its building and verification based on the constituent norms of the Constitution of the World.
Conclusions from the discussion are as follows:
- social consensus, shaped as a result of its evolution as a paradigm, is still a measure of human dignity, democracy and freedom;
- its credibility in the functioning of social consensus is ensured by norms, the components of the Constitution of the World, both on the side of its entities, intermediaries and recipients;
- the upholder of social consensus is the social layer – the intelligentsia;
- it is the state that is responsible for the conditions of the functioning of social consensus in all dimensions.
social consensus, development management, structural order, the Constitution of the World, efficiency and effectiveness, paradigmReferences
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Franciszek PiontekWSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland Poland
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