Pro-environmental Behaviours in Hotels in the COntext of Sustainable Development of Tourism – Barriers to Shaping and Recommendations for Further Research
Marek Bugdol
Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland)
Daniel Puciato
WSB University in Wrocław, Wrocław (Poland)
Tadeusz Borys
University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra (Poland)
The main cognitive objectives of this paper are the following: to present previous results and achievements in the field of research on pro-environmental behaviours in the hotel industry, to identify major barriers to the shaping of such behaviours, and to specify directions of further research on this topic in the context of sustainable tourism development. The dominant research method used in this paper is a systematic analysis of the available literature on the subject, but the authors also use their own knowledge and experience resulting from conducted quality audits. An analysis of the previous publications in this topic allows the authors to identify the major barriers to the shaping of pro-environmental behaviours in hotels in both the objective dimension (concrete actions and problems) and the subjective dimension (all people who should manifest pro-environmental behaviours). The paper discusses various theories and models explaining the process of the occurrence and development of pro-environmental behaviours in hotels. They can constitute a basis for hotel managers to create their own training programmes aimed at the shaping of pro-environmental behaviours.
hotel, stakeholder, ecological awareness, pro-environmental behaviours, sustainable tourismReferences
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Marek BugdolJagiellonian University, Kraków Poland
Daniel PuciatoWSB University in Wrocław, Wrocław Poland
Tadeusz BorysUniversity of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra Poland
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