The Theoretical Foundations of Management in Terms of the Implementation of the Process of Globalization and Sustainable Development in the Real Sphere

Franciszek Piontek

WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Poland)


The implementation of a process of globalization and sustainable development based on management requires integration. It can be ensured by the rules of universal operation:

  • on the side of the process of globalization, it is necessary to recognize economic growth as a component of development and recognize the primacy of development over growth, verifying the functions of the rules of universal operation, and limiting the paradigms of deregulation (YES = NO= CAN BE);
  • the primacy of federal integration over structural one; the application of management in accordance with the nature of the sphere covered by management and open to the exemplification of the functions and rules of universal operation;
  • on the side of sustainable development: the use of the process of globalization solutions in the field of technological progress, institutional procedures, which contribute to improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency (quality of life).

In addition to necessary conditions, decision-making will be necessary, which is a sufficient condition.


management, globalization process, sustainable development, integrated implementation, civilization code, deregulation paradigm

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Cited by

Piontek, F. (2020). The Theoretical Foundations of Management in Terms of the Implementation of the Process of Globalization and Sustainable Development in the Real Sphere. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 15(1), 65–69.


Franciszek Piontek 

WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland Poland


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