Does Appearance of the Migrants Change Citizens Perception of the Public Space? Case Study of Disturbed Sustainability, Belgrade, Serbia

Nataša Danilović Hristić

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia , Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra73/II, Belgrade (Serbia)

Nebojša Stefanović

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia , Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra73/II, Belgrade (Serbia)


The migrant crisis that hit Europe in 2015 established Belgrade as one of transit cities on the route along which they travel to the final destination. A large number of migrants, no matter of reason for leaving homeland (war, economy, climate change consequences), mostly men travelling alone, prefer to stay in the central urban parks or squares. The result was change of personal feeling of safety of citizens and intensive monitoring by local police, but some other examples gave us a different focus, when the spontaneously formed refugee camp, with tents set up in parks, became a temporary assistance centre and meeting point for citizens and refugees.


public space, safety, citizens, migrants

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Cited by

Hristić, N. D., & Stefanović, N. (2020). Does Appearance of the Migrants Change Citizens Perception of the Public Space? Case Study of Disturbed Sustainability, Belgrade, Serbia. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 15(1), 71–80.


Nataša Danilović Hristić 

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia , Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra73/II, Belgrade Serbia


Nebojša Stefanović 

Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia , Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra73/II, Belgrade Serbia


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