Research on Countermeasures to Build a Green University Management System under the Concept of Ecological Education

Jing Zhou
Guilin University of Technology (China)


Higher learning institutions have played a significant role in enhancing ecological education and ideological development among students. This is in response to the many problems occurring in the modern world concerning ideological and environmental aspects. Despite the efforts made by the state through increasing investments to deal with these aspects effectively, the resulting impact is not satisfactory. As a result, higher learning institutions have served as a significant area in offering solutions to these problems by nurturing high-level social talents. Education in higher learning institutions has dramatically expanded and integrated new research areas to counteract the limitations of traditional learning methods. Colleges and universities have upgraded their teaching activities and education sites in the modern era. However, these institutions have experienced many challenges and problems which have severely affected the ideological education ecosystem and the moral quality of students. The ecological education crisis in most learning institutions has become an unavoidable drift of the current education development. As a result, ideological education in colleges and universities is regarded as an ecosystem since it is analyzed from an ecological perspective. The ecology of ideological education refers to the environmental balance, law, and processes involved in the ideological education system. Furthermore, it incorporates value alignment and procedural thinking on the interaction between the environment and various aspects. Ecological and environmental development significantly impacts higher education students' values, emotions, and thoughts in the new environment. Therefore ecological changes have clear impacts on the living environment, which is in compliance with sustainable development concept.


environmental management system, ecological education, green universities, ecological management, public participation, green university management

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Cited by

Zhou, J. (2024). Research on Countermeasures to Build a Green University Management System under the Concept of Ecological Education. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 19(2), 242–250.


Jing Zhou
Guilin University of Technology China


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