Examining the Relationship between Globalization and Sustainable Migration in OECD Countries
Mehmet Şükrü Nar
Artvin Çoruh University (Turkey)
Mehmet Nar
0608mehmet@gmail.comArtvin Çoruh University (Turkey)
This study examines the relationship between migrant stock and economic-political-social globalization index values. The study uses annual data from the United Nations Migration Report, International Migration Statistics, International Migration Report and KOF globalization index for 27 OECD countries for the period 2012-2022. In the study, the sustainable migration relationship and globalization data in OECD countries are analyzed with the panel ARDL method. According to the results of the analysis, a 1% increase in economic globalization in the long run increases the migration burden of countries by 0.60%. Similarly, a 1% increase in political globalization increases the migration burden of countries by 0.06%. A 1% increase in social globalization decreases the migration burden of countries by 0.48%. The findings show that reducing social differences between countries has a decreasing effect on the migration burden of countries. However, as economic and political globalization increases, the migration burden also increases. In an economically and politically globalized world, focusing on increasing social equity and justice to manage the migration burden will contribute to the creation of more balanced and sustainable migration policies.
migration, globalization, sustainable migration, international migration flowsReferences
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Mehmet Nar0608mehmet@gmail.com
Artvin Çoruh University Turkey
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