Method of calculation and nomenclature of new types of educational complexes “kindergarten – elementary school” within the housing development
Olha Homon
Architecture Theory Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Having studied the location of the educational complex “Kindergarten – Elementary School” within the residential development, determined the main method of calculation, and proposed the basic nomenclature of new types of educational complexes “Kindergarten – Elementary School” for the mass urban development. The nomenclature has been developed based on the following: average demographic indicators of the number of students per 1,000 inhabitants, the same maximum number per a group or a class, namely, for the kindergarten – 20 children, and for the classes – 25 students; for placement in residential blocks and residential microdistricts with the estimated population size, service radius, and sanitary protection zones between buildings and other facilities.
residential development, microdistrict, service radius, urban construction, sanitary protection zones, kindergarten, elementrary school, educational complexReferences
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Olha HomonArchitecture Theory Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Ukraine
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