Adaptation of form based code method in the Polish spatial planning system

Bartosz Kaźmierczak
Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology (Poland)


This paper aims to present a problematic issue of the spatial planning system in Poland in the context of landscape protection. In his research, the author proves that statutory spatial planning tools fail to be efficient in the area of aesthetic and spatial order. The author has analysed the provisions of the local laws on an example of a selected Polish municipality to answer the question whether local laws effectively protect local natural and cultural landscape that is a major factor for the development of sustainable tourism (a strategic aspect of the business activity in the municipality).

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spatial planning, urban form, spatial order, place identity

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Cited by

Kaźmierczak, B. (2020). Adaptation of form based code method in the Polish spatial planning system. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 16(3), 84–92.


Bartosz Kaźmierczak
Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology Poland


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