Typology of rooms with a central terrace system
Joanna Jabłońska
Katedra Architektury Użyteczności Publicznej i Podstaw Projektowania, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Wrocławska (Poland)
Contemporary concert halls with auditoriums over 1800 people, are representatives of a number of innovative spatial solutions. Despite, undutiful layouts variety, most of them origin in plan of Berlin Philharmonic Hall, which was opened in year 1963. Due to differences and similarities observed in elaborated interiors, erected from 70. of XX cent., till beginning of years 2000, in this elaboration there was presented original typology of, so called: vineyard concert halls.
architectural acoustics, architecture of concert halls, central configuration with terracess, concert halls, performance halls, vineyardsReferences
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Joanna JabłońskaKatedra Architektury Użyteczności Publicznej i Podstaw Projektowania, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Wrocławska Poland
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