The market place in Korets town: from classicist creation to spatial dissolution

Petro Rychkov

Department of Conservation of Built Heritage, Fuculty of Civil Engeneering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The article is devoted to historical sources and spatial analysis of an original urban experiment in the first Polish Commonwealth. It was carried out in a small Korets town in Volhynia region during the last quarter of 18th century. The proprietor of this old settlement prince Josef Clemens Czartoryski has initiated development and then practical realization of a new classicistic marketplace on the ground of the octahedral with eight radial streets. During the next two centuries, the characteristic pattern of this realization was gradually lost. However, due to cartographic sources, there is the opportunity to trace its spatial evolution and estimate their place in the history of town-planning art.


Korets, classicism, urban structure, market place



Cited by

Rychkov, P. (2017). The market place in Korets town: from classicist creation to spatial dissolution. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 13(1), 15–22.


Petro Rychkov 

Department of Conservation of Built Heritage, Fuculty of Civil Engeneering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland


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