Features of housing sanation in the historical architectural environment
Kateryna Danko
Architectural faculty, department of drawing and painting, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Kashchenko Tetyana
Department of Architectural Design of Civil Buildings and Structures, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
In Ukraine, one of the main problems in the field of architecture and construction is an outdated housing stock with low energy efficiency indicators. The total housing stock of Ukraine is 1031.7 million m2, of which more than 4.8 million m2 is an outdated and emergency stock, 11% of residential buildings need repairing, and 9% – reconstruction. Its significant part (72 million m2 or 23%) is morally outdated buildings of the first mass series of 1950−1960, which have a number of structural deficiencies and do not fit to current norms [11].
Most of the existing housing are in the historical environment, therefore, in addition to traditional approaches to the formation of energy-efficient housing, there are special approaches associated with a number of restrictions on the compositional, stylistic, and coloristic integrity to the architectural environment whith increasing energy efficiency of housing. This problem needs to be solved in a complex way, using thermo-modernization, thermo-reconstruction, sanation. An analysis of these approaches has shown that sanationis the most effective, as measures for the rehabilitation of multi-apartment buildings allow to increase energy efficiency of housing and preserve historical architectural heritage within the existing housing stock.
sanations, housing, architectural environment, energy efficiencyReferences
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Kateryna DankoArchitectural faculty, department of drawing and painting, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Ukraine
Kashchenko TetyanaDepartment of Architectural Design of Civil Buildings and Structures, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Ukraine
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