Classroom training strategies to strengthen the hotbed of research in architecture
Rolando Arturo Cubillos González
Catholic University of Colombia (Colombia)
The Architecture program at the Catholic University of Colombia needs to strengthen the research processes within its classrooms and consequently, it is important to make a direct link with the hotbeds of research. In this context, it is worth asking what the best classroom training strategy to link and strengthen the architectural hotbed of research would be. The objective of this article is to explain said strategy. The results of this exercise were: first, the identification and formulation of a research training strategy applied to the eighth, ninth and tenth semesters of the Architecture programme. This applied exercise changed the didactic means of teaching research competencies to the students in order to better organise their innovative ideas through systematised processes. This enabled the development of collaborative work experience oriented towards scientific research within the classroom, in a very short time.
Hotbed of Research, Research skills, Training Strategies, Computer ApplicationReferences
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Rolando Arturo Cubillos GonzálezCatholic University of Colombia Colombia
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