Overview and classification of housing forms intended for older and disable people occurring in high developed countries in context to deficit of similar forms in Poland
Monika Magdziak
Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
In most highly developed countries, in addition to services and home care system, there are various forms of housing with care and services for the elderly and the disabled. In this work, the author presents the effect of searching for various housing solutions in a brief description of residential forms. A classification of recognized housing models was prepared in the form of a summarizing table, in which groups of housing forms with similar characteristics were selected, and assigned to groups of residents with different level of disability and independence. In addition, the author systematizes the terminology in English-language publications and presents general conclusions from the conducted research in the context of a deficit of similar to the presented solutions in Poland.
architecture, housing, care, elderly, disabled people, intermediate housing formsReferences
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Monika MagdziakFaculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology Poland
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