Architect Max Zucker – regionalist or modernist? Designs from the Prut valley in the Hutsul region

Jacek Czubiński

Institute of the History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments, Kraków University of Technology (Poland)


The article presents the little-known but extremely interesting work of architect Max Zucker in the spa towns located in the Prut valley in the Hutsul region in the inter-war period. Research results allow us to call him an author of around 20 objects. His work was connected with various stylistic tendencies: historical, classicistic, regional, modernist forms. Projects connected with modernism are particularly important. He can be considered an informal creator and a consistent implementer of the phenomenon aimed at identifying the identity of Hutsul modernist architecture.


modernist architecture, regional architecture, Hutsul region, Max Zucker, Prut river, spa architecture

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Cited by

Czubiński, J. (2018). Architect Max Zucker – regionalist or modernist? Designs from the Prut valley in the Hutsul region. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 14(2), 21–27.


Jacek Czubiński 

Institute of the History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments, Kraków University of Technology Poland


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