“Policyjny Dom Zdrowia” (P.D.Z., Policemen’s Health Center) as the example of a big sanatorium facility in the valley of the Prut River in the Hutsul region

Jacek Czubiński

Institute of the History of Architecture and Monument Conservation, Cracow University of Technology (Poland)


The article presents the building of State Police Sanatorium in Tatarów in the context of other big buildings with timber structure erected ca. 1930 in the valley of the Prut River in the Hutsul region. Several facilities of this kind were constructed there at that time, with total capacity of over 80 visitors at a time. “Znicz” Railwayman Family Association’s guesthouse was commissioned in Tatarów. Tax Officials Society constructed the “Skarbówka” guesthouse in Worochta. In Jaremcze-Jamna, “Gorgany” Health House of the Association of Tax Control Officials of the Republic of Poland began its operations. In mid- 1930s, guesthouse for the Association of Ukrainian Teachers was designed in the same town.


spa architecture, Hutsul region, State Police Sanatorium, Tatarów

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Cited by

Czubiński, J. (2018). “Policyjny Dom Zdrowia” (P.D.Z., Policemen’s Health Center) as the example of a big sanatorium facility in the valley of the Prut River in the Hutsul region. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 14(3), 15–23. https://doi.org/10.35784/teka.1795


Jacek Czubiński 

Institute of the History of Architecture and Monument Conservation, Cracow University of Technology Poland


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