Compositional situation: analysis of the location of two sculptures in Mexico City
Leszek Maluga
Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland)
The study consists of two parts. In the first one, the author outlines a methodological concept of researching the quality of compositional and artistic spatial systems that are created, for example, in the urban environment with the participation of, inter alia, architectural objects and works of art. The subject of this type of research was called a ‘compositional situation’. In the second part, the author uses the proposed research method to analyze specific cases. These are two situations existing in the public spaces of Mexico City, in which sculptures of famous Mexican sculptor Sebastian were located.
methodology, spatial composition, public space, sculpture, Mexico CityReferences
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Leszek MalugaDepartment of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Science and Technology Poland
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