Art in public space as a tool of social inclusion
Agnieszka Chęć-Małyszek
Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
What would art be if it were not viewed by people and could not influence the environment? Without the audience and spectators, it would be nothing, therefore it should be accessible and “graspable” for everyone. Elements of art placed in urban space have always enriched the “urban tissue”, providing man with many positive experiences. They enter into a dialogue with the city’s inhabitants, contribute to the growth of the its potential, and at the same time, influence all the senses of human beings. Art in urban space influences the perception of its audience, encourages dialogue, and creates a platform for better understanding of people’s needs and their functioning in the public sphere. It also plays an important role in the process of socialisation of the society, regardless of where it is exhibited.
art, public space, integration, social inclusion, art in public spaceReferences
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Agnieszka Chęć-MałyszekDepartment of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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