Emotional reactions of the respondents compared to different ways of perceiving the square in front of the WICA building of the Lublin University of Technology
Olga Skoczylas
Independent Architectural Design Studio, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The article presents a description of the research method and the results of research regarding the difference in the reception of space depending on the way it is perceived.
The research concerned one space (the square in front of the building of the Eastern Innovative Centre of Architecture at the Lublin University of Technology) and three different reception methods. One group of respondents was physically in the square, the other group virtually – with the use of virtual reality (VR) technologies, and the third one saw only pictures of the square. Each group of respondents chose the emotions with which they identified most from the semantic scale developed for this study. The results of the groups were compared, and the conclusions were presented in the summary.
The study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using VR technology and photographs to study emotions that a given space evokes in its recipients.
virtual reality, the perception of architecture, emotions in architecture, psychology of architecture, semantic differentialReferences
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Olga SkoczylasIndependent Architectural Design Studio, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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