Surveing housing districts of Lublin: building types and energy performance
Anna Ostańska
a.ostanska@pollub.plDepartment of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The paper presents a survey on energy efficiency of the housing stock of the city of Lublin. The following criteria were adopted for the examination of selected estates: age of buildings, ownership structure, construction methods, and type of heat source. Results of energy audits of representative buildings were extrapolated to assess whole housing areas.
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building type, construction methods, energy source, buildings in useReferences
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KEB – karty danych energetycznych załączono w Zestawieniu zbiorczym danych audytowych budynków w Lublinie, wraz z aktualnymi termogramami – maszynopis autorki.
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Anna Ostań
Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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