Stylistic trends in historic interiors of buildings located in selected spa towns in the Hutsul region – an outline of the issues

Jacek Czubiński
Institute of the History of Architecture and Monument Conservation, Cracow University of Technology (Poland)


In the spa towns located in the Prut valley in the Hutsul region, a large, extremely interesting complex of facilities built in the interwar period has been preserved. They are associated with both modernist architecture and regional trends. The work presents and analyses selected examples of interior design representing these two trends. This issue has been almost completely ignored in previous research on the architecture of this region. The field and archival studies conducted by the author made it possible to identify a number of projects and implementations. Research will be continued in the future.


spa architecture, Hutsul region, historical interiors, Vorokhta, Yaremche

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Cited by

Czubiński, J. (2020). Stylistic trends in historic interiors of buildings located in selected spa towns in the Hutsul region – an outline of the issues. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 16(4), 114–127.


Jacek Czubiński
Institute of the History of Architecture and Monument Conservation, Cracow University of Technology Poland


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