The idea of sustainable development in the landscape contemporary cities

Paweł Piotr Szumigała
Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Piotr Urbański

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Przemysław Tomczak

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Miłosz Walerzak

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Sylwia Sosnowska

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Karolina Olenia Szumigała

Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznao University of Life Sciences (Poland)


The article attempts to discuss the development of the idea of sustainable development in the landscape of cities on selected examples. The reasons for the current state of the townscape are analysed. EU and Polish legal acts in the field of landscape, environment and cultural heritage protection were reviewed. The examples presented in the article show that activities in the field of development and improvement of urban landscape have many aspects, both legal, environmental, social and economic. The current development of cities causes the development and urbanization of already existing green areas and agricultural land. Meanwhile, the spatial policy (in accordance with the idea of sustainable development of the urban landscape) attempts to compensate for the loss of greenery in many cases by afforestation of wasteland and creation of new areas of managed greenery: on revitalised (post-industrial) areas, coastal areas, introduces supplements to street greenery and realisation of new parks and green areas, as well as organising new forms of greenery on former farmland.


sustainable development, urban landscape, legal acts, cultural heritage, landscape protection

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Cited by

Szumigała, P. P., Urbański, P., Tomczak, P., Walerzak, M., Sosnowska, S., & Szumigała, K. O. (2021). The idea of sustainable development in the landscape contemporary cities. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 17(3), 34–54.


Paweł Piotr Szumigała
Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland

Ph. D. in architecture. Born in Poznao in 1960. Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Poznao University of Technology. 1987-2007 assistant professor in the Department of Theory of Space, Cities and Regions at the Faculty of Architecture, Poznao University of Technology, and since 2007 assistant professor in the Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture at the Poznao University of Life Sciences. Promoter of more than 110 master's and engineering theses. Author and co-author of over 60 scientific publications in the field of architecture, spatial planning and landscape design. Since 1993, Paweł Szumigała has had his own architectural practice. Scientific interests: space composition theory, architectural and urban design, landscape and spatial planning at all scales. Author of over 250 projects and studies in the field of architecture, urban planning and spatial planning. Winner (independently and in teams) of more than 30 international and national architecture and urban planning competitions. He has the following professional
qualifications: design and execution without limitations in the field of architecture, title - Expert of the Polish Chamber of Town Planners. Member of the Association of Polish Architects, Association of Polish Landscape Architects, Ecological Association of Creative Environments, Wielkopolska Regional Chamber of Architects. Artistic interests: ceramic sculpture and plastic forms. Author of over 140 ceramic sculptures, mosaics, sgraffito and art forms. Certificates - "Ceramics in Art 31 Education and Therapy" (3 degrees) and "Artistic Ceramic Mosaics". Participation in 19 (including 5 international) exhibitions of sculpture, ceramics, fine art and photography. Member of the Creative Group "TERRAKOTA" at the ZAMEK Culture Centre, Poznao.


Piotr Urbański 

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland

UPP Professor Piotr Urbaoski is the head of the Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture of the Poznan University of Life Sciences. His research interests include: evaluation of the possibility of application and use of "bed grasses" to decorate green areas, reclamation of post-mining dumps and heaps, and design, arrangement and maintenance of landscape architecture objects.


Przemysław Tomczak 

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland

Ph. Born in 1961 in Poznao. In 1981-1985 studies at the Faculty of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture
at the State Higher School of Fine Arts. Diploma in graphic arts in the Poster Studio of Prof. Waldemar Swierzy. He received his doctorate in fine arts, with a specialization in graphic arts, at the Faculty of Multimedia Communication of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in 2000. In 1989-1992 head of the Studio of Art and Animation and Creative Hobby in the Palace of Culture in Poznan (currently CK Zamek). From 1992 to 2017 he worked in the Department of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Visual Arts at the Faculty of  Architecture, Poznan University of Technology. He served there as a senator and associate dean, among other positions. Co-founder of the Faculty of Artistic Education in the Field of Plastic Arts. Initiator and artistic
supervisor of the Drewutnia student gallery. In 2013 he was awarded the "Medal of the National Education Commission" for special merits for education and upbringing. Since 2017 assistant professor in the Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture and Bioengineering, University of Life Sciences in Poznao. In his research (creative) work an extremely important role is played by landscape and widely understood nature. Whether in drawings, paintings or book illustrations it is definitely a dominant motif, often far transformed but always recognizable. For several years now, landscape has not only been an inspiration for creative explorations in visual arts, but also an object
of theoretical research. He has presented his works at several dozen individual and group exhibitions in Poland and abroad. He is the author of illustrations to over twenty publications, philatelic values and co-author of several scientific articles.


Miłosz Walerzak 

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland

D. Sc. , assistant professor at the Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture and Bioengineering, Poznao University of Life Sciences. His main research interests include the history of garden art, aspects of the composition of historical garden complexes from the 17th and 18th centuries, protection of the Cultural Landscape and revalorization of historical garden complexes. Member of the Polish National Committee of ICOMOS (International Council for the Protection of Historical Monuments and Sites) and the Association of Conservators of Historical Monuments.


Sylwia Sosnowska 

Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland

Born in 1978 . in Kraśnik. Studies at the Higher School of Applied Arts in Poznao. Master's diploma in easel painting with an excellent result in the studio of Professor Wojciech Sadley (2005); d. in fine arts, in artistic discipline - fine arts (Faculty of Painting, University of Arts in Poznao). Currently assistant professor at the studio of drawing and painting at the Poznan University of Life Sciences. Major exhibitions : 2013. - Kontrapunkt Gallery, Poznao / individual /, 2013 - 9th Triennial of Small Painting Forms, Toruo; 2012 - Uczta u Mistrzów, Kraków; 2012 r . - New Opening, 100th anniversary of ZPAP, Warsaw; 2010 r. - XXIII Festival of Polish Contemporary Painting, Szczecin 2008 . - Delfina Krasicka Gallery, Warsaw / individual /; 2007 r. - X National Exhibition of Artistic Tapestry, Łódź; 2006 r . - Finalists exhibition of the Franciszka Eibisch Foundation competition / honorable mention/


Karolina Olenia Szumigała 

Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznao University of Life Sciences Poland

Eng. architect, Born in 1998 in Szamotuły. Student of Master's degree in Architecture at Poznan
University of Technology and Master's degree in Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture and Bioengineering of Poznan University of Life Sciences. Author and co-author of several scientific publications on architecture, spatial planning and landscape design. Member of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects and Ecological Association of Creative Environments - Ekoart. Professional interests: architecture, urban planning, landscape design, interior architecture. Winner of the Pasjopolis Scholarship Programme - Pasjopolis Grant for the realisation of her own project - an exhibition-happening "Sense" - she is currently in the process of its creation. Member of the Creative Group "TERRAKOTA"
in CK Zamek Poznao. Author of more than several dozen ceramic works, mosaics, sgraffito and art forms. Participation in 13 (including 2 international) exhibitions of sculpture, ceramics, fine art and photography. Artistic interests: ceramic functional and decorative forms and ceramic mosaic; in her works she also uses techniques taken from other artistic fields such as linocut or batik. She is professionally certified in "Ceramics in Art Education and Therapy" 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree and "Artistic Ceramic Mosaics".


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