Large shopping centres in Poznań as a source of rainwater recovery and irrigation of urban green areas

Paweł Piotr Szumigała
University of Life Sciences in Poznań (Poland)

Karolina Olenia Szumigała

Faculty of Architecture, Poznao University of Technology Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznan University of Life Sciences (Poland)


Large-scale facilities in the city cause the loss of significant amounts of rainwater,
greenery and biologically active areas. Remedying this situation requires the implementation
of a number of spatial planning demands. Increasing the attractiveness and spatial value of
urbanised areas state fundamental importance for meeting the needs of local communities
in the era of predicted climate change. The study shows that appropriate management of
water recovered from the roofs of large-scale buildings can be used to supply significant
areas of urban greenery.


rainwater harvesting, rainwater management, shopping malls, urban greenery, city landscape, Poznań

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Cited by

Szumigała, P. P., & Szumigała, K. O. . (2021). Large shopping centres in Poznań as a source of rainwater recovery and irrigation of urban green areas. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 17(4), 74–81.


Paweł Piotr Szumigała
University of Life Sciences in Poznań Poland


Karolina Olenia Szumigała 

Faculty of Architecture, Poznao University of Technology Department of Landscape Architecture, Poznan University of Life Sciences Poland


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