Former Gorajski's manor in 12 Bernardyńska st. Lublin

Krzysztof Janus
Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, Katedra Architektury Urbanistyki i Planowania Przestrzennego, Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)


Abstract. Paper gives an introductions to complicated history of building former Gorajski’s manor in 12 Bernardyńska St. Lublin. Described well-known and new facts and historical documents of building live. Consider to know study work and projeckts and own study and examination was possible to create architectural analysis, with making stratigraphy and transformations phase of the building. It allowed to place the Gorajski’s manor as one of unremembered but still preserved magnate manors build in XVII century in Żmigrod.


Bernardyńska st. Gorajski's manor, Ravine between Bernardyńska and Królewska street, Architektonical study

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Cited by

Janus, K. (2015). Former Gorajski’s manor in 12 Bernardyńska st. Lublin. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 11(1), 72–85.


Krzysztof Janus
Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, Katedra Architektury Urbanistyki i Planowania Przestrzennego, Politechnika Lubelska Poland


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