Gardens of Islam on the example of garden assumptions in Andalusia
Kamila Lucyna Boguszewska
kamila_boguszewska@interia.euIndependent Architectural Design Studio, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Poland)
Culture of southern Spain was based on the achievements of Christians, Vandals and the Muslim empire civilization. It is an example of coexistence of different cultures and beliefs. The period of its greatest development dates back to the time of the reign of Caliph Abd al-Rahman and his successor Hakma II, but the most famous objects, which are the best preserved examples of architecture and garden art of Islam, originated in the fourteenth century, when it was followed by a slow decline of the emirate, with its capital in Granada. Then the bands were erected palace – parks as the summer palace of the Alhambra and the Generalife. The aim of the article is to present the most important achievements of Arab art of gardening in southern Spain. The author discusses the chosen garden assumptions Andalusia, describing their history, composition and vegetation followed with particular emphasis on its symbolism.
Alhambra, Islam, mudejar, residential complex, gardenReferences
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Kamila Lucyna
Independent Architectural Design Studio, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Poland
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