Natural materiality: water as an active element of the gardens by Denis McClair at Volhynia
Petro Rychkov
Department of Historic Building Preservation, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Nataliya Lushnikova
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Ukraine)
The paper gives coverage to peculiarities of water elements application in landscape compositions created in 19th century by gardener of Dionizy Mikler (Denis McClair) at Volhynia. Being an ambassador of English landscape garden style in this region D. Mikler seamlessly integrated picturesque natural and artificial water components in the garden structure. There are considered the role and ways of interaction of water elements with the landscape compositions by giving examples of Polish landowner´s residences in Gorodok, Mizoch, Mlyniv and Shpaniv.
Dionizy Mikler, Denis McClair, water, English landscape garden, landscape composition, VolhyniaReferences
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Petro RychkovDepartment of Historic Building Preservation, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
Nataliya LushnikovaDepartment of Architecture and Environmental Design, Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering Ukraine
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