Functional and spatial tansformations and contemporary role of educational garden on the example of school garden in Sobieszyn
Krystyna Pudelska
krystyna.pudelska@up.lublin.plDepartment of Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland)
Kamila Rojek
Department of Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland)
An important task for present and future generations is the protection of the national cultural resources. The most attractive architectural objects of historic value include palaces, manors, castles and monasteries. Less attention is paid to educational areas, which apart from the main educational and didactic goal (positive influence on the young person’s mind, shaping his personality, social integration) have a great influence on his health, the quality of his life and the shape of his environment. The example of this is the park next to the school complex in Sobieszyn, located in Lublin Voivodeship, Ułęż County. The school complex with its surrounding park established at the end of the 19th century was given by a will of the Count Kajetan Kanty Kicki, Gozdawa coat of arms, a philantropist and a contemporary owner of Sobieszyn. Localisation of the school, far away from the centre of the village, on the slope of one of the right side tributaries of the Wieprz River – Świnka, makes it an extraordinary place, emphasising the nature values that surround it. Nowadays, the building is still a school- Kajetan Kicki Agriculture School in Sobieszyn.
historic school garden, analysis of spatial composition, dendroflora, SobieszynReferences
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Department of Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland
Kamila RojekDepartment of Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland
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