Ground fortifications in the development of the park behind the marine school in Darłowo

Paweł Szumigała

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Piotr Urbański

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Krzysztof Markowski

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

Sylwia Sosnowska

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)


The article presents problems related with designing public space, i.e. recreational areas and park green space in the context of existing fortifications with a case study of the town of Darłowo. It shows examples of the development of historical areas of ground fortifications as part of the project ‘A Plan of Development of the Park Behind the Marine School in Darłowo’. The article also discusses selected issues related with the composition, spatial functionality, landscape and execution of the plan, included in the park design documentation. It presents the results of design work, which was used to prepare complex technical documentation. This study includes the arrangements thatcan be used to make a town park with scenic values which will be similar a natural scenery.


ground fortifications, area development, park, Darłowo

An 1897 German map of Rügenwalde. Western Poland Map Archive
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History of Fortifications in the 19th Century – New Prussian Fortresses, source:
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Szumigała P., 2012. A Plan of Development of the Park Behind the Marine School in Darłowo, the Town Council of Darłowo.
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Szumigała P., 2012. A Concept of Development of the Park Behind the Marine School in Darłowo, the Town Council of Darłowo.
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The guidelines of the Voivodeship Conservation Officer in Koszalin, Koszalin 2012.
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The Local Spatial Development Plan for the Town of Darłowo – Resolution No. XLVII/445/06 of the Town Council of Darłowoof 27 March 2006
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Cited by

Szumigała, P., Urbański, P., Markowski, K., & Sosnowska, S. (2015). Ground fortifications in the development of the park behind the marine school in Darłowo. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 11(2), 73–81.


Paweł Szumigała 

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland


Piotr Urbański 

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland


Krzysztof Markowski 

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland


Sylwia Sosnowska 

Department of Green Space and Landscape Architecture, Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland


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