Ergonomics of the home – factors affecting dimensions of rooms

Wojciech Niebrzydowski

Department of Housing Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)


One of the most important problems for architects designing homes is the proper specification of the dimen­sions of each room. Ergonomic studies suggest three main factors which determine the size of an interior: the space occupied by the furniture and other fittings, the space required for psychological reasons, the space of human move­ment. Especially important are the analyses of the space of human movement, which depends on human anatomical dimensions, the space required for use of fittings, the space to walk.


ergonomics, home, dimensions of rooms

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Cited by

Niebrzydowski, W. (2015). Ergonomics of the home – factors affecting dimensions of rooms. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 11(3), 57–65.


Wojciech Niebrzydowski 

Department of Housing Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology Poland


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