Experimental single family houses from the 60’ and 70’ of 20th century in Poland

Zuzanna Napieralska

Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Wrocław (Poland)


The article presents examples of the experimental architecture in the field of single-family housing construction. The time period of the research are 60 ‘and 70’ of 20th century . Presented projects were a response to the normative limitations of usable area in standard houses, luck of material supplies and the need for intensification of that building. The article presents two realized dome houses, build in different construction system and two types of atrial houses – as the examples of dense housing urbanism.


single family house, atrial housing, dome house, experimental architecture

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Cited by

Napieralska, Z. (2015). Experimental single family houses from the 60’ and 70’ of 20th century in Poland. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 11(3), 66–74. https://doi.org/10.35784/teka.576


Zuzanna Napieralska 

Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Wrocław Poland


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