Issues of relativism in the global architecture
Aleksander Serafin
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Enviromental Engineering, Department of Architecture and urban Planning, Łódź University of Technology (Poland)
This paper discusses the issues of relativism towards the international architecture but it also confronts them with the opposing ideas. Some examples prove that this sort of architecture as the result of globalism is against the tradition. Despite the presentation of the main aspects of relativism, this article contains the preface to absolutism tendency in architecture. Paradoxically the absolutism of a form does not always mean the neo historical and monumental style. However the relativism is non homogenous style and it has no clear logical limits. Moreover the negation of the traditional values during the design process seems to be doomed to fail.
architecture, relativism, absolutism, globalism, expression, formReferences
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Aleksander SerafinFaculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Enviromental Engineering, Department of Architecture and urban Planning, Łódź University of Technology Poland
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