Four examples which represent two directions glimpses of polish architecture of the 21st century
Hubert Trammer
Chair of Architecture, Urban Design and Spatial Planning Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architekture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
This publication presents four works of architecture built in Poland in the 21st century. The four works are grouped in two pairs composed on the base of groups of characteristics which can be regarded as creating together the directions of architecture. Main subject of publication is supplemented by preliminary considerations on possible fields of analysis of architecture built in Poland in the 21st century.
polish architecture, Architecture of the 21st century, contemporary architecture, Szczecin Philharmonic, Cricoteka, Gdansk Shakespeare Theathre, Estudio Barozzi Veiga, Renato Rizzi, Stanisław NiemczykReferences
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Hubert TrammerChair of Architecture, Urban Design and Spatial Planning Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architekture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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