Formal Constituent Elements of a Dynamic Model of Object Formation

Mykola Bevz
Politechnika Lubelska, Katedra Konserwacji Zabytkow (Poland)

Ihor Yurchenko

Department of Architecture and Conservation, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)


This article investigates the patterns for constructing a formal model of the formation of design objects. A clear structure of the model has been identified, which includes: the form-generating method of style; methodologies for pre-project analysis and research within the design process; form-generating principles in design; form-generating techniques in design; universal approaches to the formation of design objects; the method of experimental modeling; and special methods for form generation based on ethnocultural traditions. The study presents global examples of models of the process of object formation, perspectives for their improvement, and practical application.


design, form generation, universal design methods, model of design object formation, universal design principles, design process, pre-project analysis, ethnocultural tradition, ethnocultural artistic tradition

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Cited by

Bevz, M., & Yurchenko, I. (2024). Formal Constituent Elements of a Dynamic Model of Object Formation. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 20(1), 28–35.


Mykola Bevz
Politechnika Lubelska, Katedra Konserwacji Zabytkow Poland


Ihor Yurchenko 

Department of Architecture and Conservation, Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine


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