The Role of the Basilian Monasteries in the Formation of the Sacred Space of the Cities and Villages of Ukraine


The spiritual and intellectual influence of Basilian monasteries contributed to the cultural development of Ukrainians in the 18th century. Monastic complexes and ensembles featured unique architectural silhouettes that were organically integrated into the surrounding landscape, shaping the sacred spaces of towns and villages across Ukraine. Basilian monastic gardens, alleys, chapels with the “Stations of the Cross,” in harmonious connection with the architectural monastery buildings, were embedded in the natural structure of the landscape, highlighting the individual characteristics of each complex. Nowadays, there is growing interest among scholars and researchers in studying sacred landscapes that are harmoniously connected to the existing natural environment and form historical cultural landscapes. This article is dedicated to researching the role of Basilian monasteries in the formation of sacred spaces and examining their distinctive features, which create valuable cultural landscapes and should be preserved as part of Ukraine’s historical and cultural heritage.


sacred space, role of Basilian monasteries, cultural landscape, historical and cultural value

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Cited by

Chen, L. (2024). The Role of the Basilian Monasteries in the Formation of the Sacred Space of the Cities and Villages of Ukraine. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 20(3), 32–39.


Lesia Chen 



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