The impact of Unite d’Habitation on the formation of Superjednostka in Katowice
Joanna Kania
Zakład Konstrukcji i Budownictwa Ogólnego, Politechnika Wrocławska (Poland)
A visionary research for solution for housing problem began in the interwar period. Small rooms in tenements were labeled by the modernists as an uncomfortable environment for living. In 1933, during the 4th CIAM Congress, with the support of Le Corbusier was proclaimed the Athens Charter which included postulates that concern contemporary housing in a healthy urban area. Le Corbusier had increased his experience during his study journeys through Europe. He used it in the project of Unité d’Habitation. On the basis of his solutions were raised similar buildings. In Poland it was Superjednostka designed by Mieczysław Król. An analysis presented in this article is being an attempt of finding Le Corbusier’s ideas in similar buildings.
Le Corbusier, Superjednostka, modernism, Unité d’Habitation, NarkomfinReferences
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Joanna KaniaZakład Konstrukcji i Budownictwa Ogólnego, Politechnika Wrocławska Poland
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