Issues of adapting design solutions to the needs of seniors and people with disabilities in teaching urban design
Marzena Joanna Siestrzewitowska
Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Archi-tecture of Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The paper presents the principles of Urban Design related to adapting design solutions for seniors and people with disabilities. After introducing the objectives of the topic as well as the expected results of teaching, it discusses substantive content of the issue of adapting open spaces to the needs of groups with various disabilities: wheelchair users, the deaf, people with hearing-impairement, the blind, visually impaired and the elderly. For the execution of those needs, informational outcome on urban array and sociometric pattern of individual housing unit, planned to instill reciprocal feelings of empathy and approval, are of utmost importance. The further part of the paper presents formal requirements, which should be taken into consideration in every project related to the scope of the subject matter – i.e., types of mandatory graphical representations along with examples of semester projects of the students.
adaptation of design solutions, people with disabilities, seniors, urban designReferences
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Marzena Joanna SiestrzewitowskaDepartment of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Archi-tecture of Lublin University of Technology Poland
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