Spatial transformations of Wrocław in the first half of the 19th century resulting from the dismantling of municipal fortifications

Marek Piróg
Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Architecture (Poland)

Andrzej Chądzyński

Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Architecture (Poland)


The article focuses on the spatial development of Wrocław at the beginning of the 19th century. The paper discusses the causes and subsequent stages of the demolition of city fortifications and the effects of this project on the spatial development of Wrocław.

The article describes the state of fortifications around Wrocław and the city plan after the demolition of city walls.

The article discusses the importance of these activities for the development of Wrocław and for the increase in the standard of living of its residents.


Wrocław, fortifications, spatial development

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Cited by

Piróg, M., & Chądzyński, A. (2019). Spatial transformations of Wrocław in the first half of the 19th century resulting from the dismantling of municipal fortifications. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 15(3), 28–33.


Marek Piróg
Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Poland


Andrzej Chądzyński 

Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Poland


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