Constructure and conservation problems at old monuments of architecture – selected examples

Halina Landecka

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Plan-ning, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The process of adaptation old listed buildings requires participation and cooperation the specialists in conservation, constrution and architecture sience. The main goal is to recognice the history and old structure to protect most value parts of the building . Only this knowledge suppotred deep experience of experts can guarantee suitable decisions about sphere of interference with the monument and its safety. The scale of problems we can view in examples from Lublin and Lubelszczyzna region.


adaptation, preservation, conservation of old monuments

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Cited by

Landecka, H. (2016). Constructure and conservation problems at old monuments of architecture – selected examples. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 12(2), 7–14.


Halina Landecka 

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Plan-ning, Lublin University of Technology Poland


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