Wybrane aspekty projektowania przestrzeni publicznych z uwzględnieniem potrzeb seniorów
Natalia Przesmycka
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Michał Dmitruk
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The aging of population is becoming a global trend observable in developed countries. According to the World Health Organization report1 (WHO), along with the development of cities in Europe and North America the percentage of people over 60 years old increases. This phenomenon is observable in Poland, mainly in the multi-family housing districts from the years 60ties up to 90ties of the twentieth century, where the large number of their original residents continue to live. The elderly, in most cases remain active physically, socially and are willing to participate in the development and improvement of living conditions in their place of residence. Architectural and urban solutions from the previous epoch, repeatedly pose a significant barriers to the full participation of older people in the local social life. These are solvable problems, however they require a substantial financial resources, in-depth analysis and skillful involvement of seniors in the of modernization. As, among others, a prominent Danish architect Jan Gehl2 advocates, a friendly city must adapt existing infrastructure and services provided in the housing estates to the needs of the elderly, with their active participation, as well as to offer new opportunities to counter their social exclusion. This is necessary in order to maintain the sustainable development of cities.
aging, participation and social integration, architecture, urban planning, universal designReferences
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Natalia PrzesmyckaFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lublin University of Technology Poland
Michał DmitrukFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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