Privacy policy


I. General provisions
1. The e-Platform owned by the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House, hereinafter referred to as “the Platform”, operates on the principles described in the present Regulations.
2. The Regulations describe the types and range of services provided electronically via the Platform, as well as the complaint procedure.
3. Every Service User who intends to use the electronic services of the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House shall follow the provisions of the present Regulations.
4. Comments regarding functioning of the Platform should be reported via e-mail to the following address:

II. Definitions
The following terminology applies to the present Regulations:
1) Data Protection Administrator (DPA) – the authority deciding about aims and means of processing the personal data deposited on the Platform; according to the Regulations, the function of DPA is performed by the Lublin University of Technology;
2) The Lublin University of Technology Digital Library (LUT DL) – the website that makes the publications of the Lublin University of Technology available to users;
3) Data Protection Officer ¬– a person supporting the DPA in performing the duties concerning the protection of personal data;
4) Newsletter – an electronic service allowing the Service User and any other user to subscribe to receive free information concerning the Platform, sent to the e-mail address provided by the user;
5) Open Journal Systems (OJS) – an open source software for managing peer-reviewed academic journals, created as a part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), published under the GNU General Public Licence (GNU GPL);
6) Platform – an electronic Platform owned by the LUT Publishing House, available at the Internet address;
7) Regulations – the present document describing the rights and duties of the Service Provider, the Service User, the Data Protection Administrator and the Data Protection Officer;
8) COPE ethical standards – the standards of publication ethics and scientific integrity in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
9) Electronic Service – the electronic service provided by the Service Provider via the Platform of the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House;
10) Service Provider – the owner of the Platform of the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House (, that is the Lublin University of Technology (20-618 Lublin, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, NIP: 712-010-46-51, REGON 000001726);
11) Service User – a natural person, a legal person or a legal entity with limited legal capacity, using the Electronic Service, taking part in the publishing process on the Platform or only using the publications and the Newsletter.

III. Type and range of electronic services
Via the Platform, the Service Provider enables the Service User to use such electronic services as:
1) access to the OJS system by registering and being assigned a login and password;
2) access to disk space on the server to store publications;
3) access to the plagiarism detection software;
4) making backup copies of text files, graphics files and metadata made available by the Service User via the Archiving Services of the PLATON project;
5) assigning and activating DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each article published electronically;
6) forwarding DOI numbers to the Service User;
7) depositing DOI numbers with Crossref to create links from other articles which cite the articles from the Platform;
8) creating the Service User’s profile on the Platform, including the preparation of the graphics from the provided materials (e.g. from the project of the book cover);
9) the possibility to forward electronic metadata to the bibliographic-abstract databases in order to index them using the OJS mechanisms;
10) technical assistance and on-line, telephone or electronic consultations;
11) using the Newsletter.

IV. Technical conditions
Technical data of the ICT system:
1) The Platform of LUT Publishing House created on the basis of the open source OJS 3.x;
2) Using the Platform is only possible on-line.

V. General rules of using the Platform
1. Providing the services described in Chapter III of the Regulations is free of charge.
2. The Service User shall use the Platform in a manner consistent with the law and decency, taking into consideration the respect for personal interests and copyrights of third parties in accordance with the license indicated in Chapter VIII.
3. The Service User is obliged to input accurate data and ensure that they are updated when necessary.
4. Each profile on the Platform has access to functions that depend on its role.
5. Sharing the profile with third parties is forbidden.
6. It is forbidden to publish articles that have already been published in other journals.
7. The Service User is obliged to upload materials in accordance with the instruction for authors, editors and reviewers (best practices), or with the instruction of quick publishing.
8. Whenever rules of social intercourse are violated or any actions incompatible with COPE standards take place, the Service Provider will take actions to eliminate those violations by refusing to provide the services to the Service User concerned, deleting his or her profile and informing the scientific community about the misconduct of this person.
9. By submitting the article to the Platform, the Service User grants permission to publish their work for the promotional purposes of the Platform.
10. The Service User and the reader are allowed to share the articles downloaded from the Platform in the social media.

VI. Registration and profile of the Service User
1. The Service User’s profile is created after filling in the registration form and accepting the terms of the Regulations.
2. When registering to the Platform, the Service User is obliged to provide his or her ORCID number.
3. The Service User will be informed about the activation of his or her profile via e-mail.
4. The Service User is allowed to add his or her photo and additional information concerning his or her interests, professional activity and experience to his or her profile.
5. Creating a profile, the Service User agrees with the privacy policy included in the Regulations in Chapters X-XI.
6. To subscribe to the Newsletter, it is enough to provide the first name, surname and e-mail address.

VII. Rights and duties
1. The Service Provider reserves the right to:
1) deactivate the Platform temporarily or permanently;
2) revise and edit the information sent by Service Users;
3) refuse to provide the services if the Service User fails to comply with the terms of the Regulations;
4) keep the issues of journals already uploaded on the Platform for the purpose of archiving them.
2. The Service Provider can introduce a new journal to the Platform if it fulfils the following conditions:
1) it has been registered in the district court;
2) it has an ISSN and/or e-ISSN number;
3) it has been operating for at least two years.
3. The Service User who performs the role of the editor shall provide the publications in the .pdf format, immediately after an issue has been published, to the Service Provider for the purpose of uploading full issues in the LUT DL.
4. The Service Provider is allowed to interfere with files containing publications to the extent necessary for their proper storage and sharing on the Platform, which includes the change of the format. The Service Provider is not allowed to interfere with the content of the publication.
5. In case the Service User decides to cancel the electronic services of the Service Provider, all the materials that have already been uploaded remain on the Platform and in the Service Provider’s archival resources.
6. The Service Provider does not take responsibility for the effects of inappropriate use of the Platform, in particular when it is unlawful and contrary to the provisions of the present Regulations, for the contents posted on the Platform by the Service User, or for the damage resulting from a third party coming into possession of the Service User’s password.
7. In case a third party makes any claims concerning infringement of their rights in relation to any publication, the Service User is obliged to take up the place of the Service Provider in the ongoing litigation, regardless of the stage of the proceedings, as well as to exempt the Service Provider from liability for this claim, which includes paying the Service Provider’s costs incurred to satisfy or reject the claims of third parties.
8. The Service User shall immediately inform the Service Provider about any claims caused by copyright infringement, directed against the Service User.

VIII. Licences and copyright
1. The Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence (CC BY-SA) consists in properly attributing the work, providing a link to its licence and indicating the changes made in it, if there have been any. It can be done in any way, unless it suggests that the licence provider supports the user or the way he or she uses the work. By remixing and transforming the work or making derivative works based on it, the user should share his or work under the same licence.
2. The Service Provider makes publications available to be used by the Service User in accordance with the Creative Commons Author Attribution Share Alike licence (CC BY-SA).
3. The Service Provider and the Service User declare that trademarks, logotypes and other symbols used by them do not infringe third parties’ rights resulting from copyright or industrial property rights, and that their use does not constitute an act of unfair competition as provided for in the Act of 16th April 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition and Unfair Market Practice.
4. If the Service User uploads illustrations to the Platform which are by another author, he or she is obliged to indicate their author, in accordance with the Act of 4th February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

IX. Complaint procedure
1. Complaints concerning the provision of electronic services via the Platform are to be made by the Service User via e-mail to the address
2. An e-mail sent to the address above should contain detailed information and circumstances pertaining to the subject of the claim, particularly the type of the irregularity and the date when it occurred, as well as contact data.
3. The Service Provider shall consider the complaint immediately, not later than within seven working days.
4. The response to a complaint is sent to the e-mail address of the Service User provided in the complaint notification.

X. Privacy policy
1. The present privacy policy applies to personal data entered onto the Platform by Service Users.
2. Personal data processing will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
3. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Tomasz Joński, M.A. (
4. The personal data of the Service User will be processed to ensure efficient functioning of the Platform, in particular:
1) efficient communication in the publishing process;
2) editing the contents;
3) creating internal reports and analyses (including the statistics of subpage views and statistics regarding readership of the publications);
4) sending notifications and information concerning the journal (with the consent of the Service User);
5) informing the readers about the authorship of the text published on the Platform;
6) indexing the published texts and data in databases, catalogues and on websites, in accordance with the journals’ publishing policy.
5. The Service Provider stores the following data provided by the Service User:
1) name (obligatory),
2) second name,
3) surname (obligatory),
4) login (obligatory),
5) gender,
6) password (encrypted),
7) e-mail address (obligatory),
8) ORCID number,
9) website address,
10) country,
11) telephone number,
12) affiliation,
13) biographical note,
14) photo,
15) location,
16) research interests,
17) role on the Platform.
6. The Service User who only uses the Newsletter provides the following data to the Service Provider:
1) name,
2) surname,
3) e-mail address.
7. Entering your personal data is:
1) voluntary in case of using the contents of open access journals deposited on the Platform;
2) a necessary condition when the Service User wishes to participate in the electronic publishing process, including:
a) depositing texts and illustrations (graphics, formulas, charts, figures, etc.) to be published in accordance with authors’ rights;
b) conducting work related to the publishing process as a(n): editor, section editor, technical editor, reviewer, DTP specialist, indexer, proof-reader, journal manager, subscription manager, marketing manager;
c) opening a reader’s account in order to obtain information from the publishing house and editorial office about the latest issues and articles.
8. According to Art. 89 GDPR, personal data of the participants of the electronic publishing process, including the data of the authors of the publications, editors, reviewers, will be processed for scientific and statistical purposes during the whole period when the electronic versions of the journal are made available on the Platform. Scientific purposes include: archiving articles and metadata; making them available to readers; indexing; forwarding them to databases to be indexed, catalogues and scientific websites.
9. Personal data of potential authors whose texts were not accepted for publication can be deleted by the administrator two years after the editorial office’s decision about the rejection of the paper.
10. The Service User who is registered on the Platform possesses rights described in Art. 15-20 GDPR which he or she can exercise taking into account the conditions described in aforementioned provisions:
1) the right of access to your data,
2) the right to the rectification of your data,
3) the right to the erasure of your data,
4) the right to the restriction of data processing,
5) the right to data portability,
6) the right to object to data processing.
11. The Recipient is allowed to edit his or her account and change the data provided beforehand, except for the system login. The consent to receiving information from the Platform can be withdrawn at any time from the Service User’s application.
12. The rights described in subparagraph 10 of the present Chapter can be exercised after notifying the DPO via e-mail:
13. The Service Provider reserves the right to process the data of Service Users for the purposes of pursuing possible claims in court or if the national, European Union’s or international legislation obliges the Service Provider to retain data.
14. The Service Provider is entitled to share the data of the Service User with authorised subjects on the basis of applicable regulations.
15. The Service Provider can make use of the services of other authorised processors on the basis of a written consent and under the conditions described in Art. 28 GDPR.
16. Data can be transferred to:
1) processors, with regard to the administration services and technical support of the Platform;
2) editors of Google Analytics and AddThis analytical systems;
3) editors of databases and indexing catalogues, such as:
b) Web of Science,
c) Pol-index,
d) WorldCat,
e) Google Scholar,
f) Crossref Metadata Search;
4) subjects or institutions authorised under relevant legislation.

XI. Cookies
1. The Platform uses cookies. These files can contain personal data such as the IP address of the device used by the Service User to access the Platform and the unique identifier of the device. These files are not stored on the Service Provider’s servers; their content is recorded on the device used to access the Platform while visiting the webpage. More information about cookies can be found at
2. Considering the time of their retention, cookies used by the Platform can be classified as follows:
1) session or transient cookies, related with a specific website browsing session, stored on the user’s device until he or she leaves the website;
2) permanent cookies, stored on the user’s device and in the browser’s memory after the session is finished, unless they are removed at the Service User’s request;
3) third-party cookies from advertising servers of the subjects cooperating with the website.
3. Considering their purpose, cookies used by the Platform can be classified as follows:
1) cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the portal and its particular elements;
2) functionality cookies that enable the portal to remember the choices made on the pages of the website, which includes memorising the Service User’s password used to log to the account;
3) performance cookies, whose aim is to collect the information about the way the webpages are used;
4) advertising cookies, used to provide advertising services;
5) analytical cookies, used for statistical purposes.
4. The legal basis for collecting data from cookies is Art. 6, par. 1 f GDPR, which is understood as the pursuit of a legitimate interest by the data controller in the form of maintaining the Platform’s functionality, adjusting the website to the Service User’s individual settings, memorising the data entered by the Service User and associated with using the Platform, as well as undertaking statistical analyses concerning Service Users.
5. The Service User can choose to stop the website from collecting cookies by changing the settings of the browser used do access the Platform in a way specific to this browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge.
6. The Service Provider can access the collected cookies stored on the hard disk or in the memory of the device used to visit the Platform by analysing the content of the cookies in the browser’s settings.
7. The Service Provider does not combine the operating data nor the information contained in cookies with any other data which it would possess or have access to.

XII. COPE standards
1. In the publication process on the Platform, the Service Provider and the Service User are obliged to follow the rules of scientific transparency and COPE good practices, the good practices in reviewing formulated by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the researcher’s code of ethics formulated by the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk – PAN).
2. The Service Provider has implemented COPE guidelines for authors, editors and reviewers on the Platform.
3. In case of suspicion of the Service User infringing the provisions of the Regulations, the Service Provider explains the situation in accordance with COPE procedures (COPE flowcharts).

XIII. Final provisions
1. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the content of the Regulations.
2. The Service Users will be informed about the changes in the Regulations with a proper announcement posted on the Platform and an e-mail sent to the provided e-mail address.
3. In case of change in the Regulations, the list of the most important changes will be displayed on the Platform. The Service User is obliged to read the new text of the Regulations.
4. The Service User shall bear the risk of not receiving the announcement about changes in the Regulations due to an obsolete or incorrect e-mail address, or one that belongs to another party.
5. In matters not covered by the present Regulations, the following regulations of the Polish law are applicable:
1) the Act of 18 July 2002 on Providing Services by Electronic Means;
2) the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights;
3) the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964;
4) the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights;
5) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data, and Repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR);
6) the Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004.