Strategies for creating photographic objects – an attempt at classification

Krzysztof Ślachciak
Institute of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology (Poland)


The article analyzes photographic objects, trying to propose a classification method in terms of their creation strategy, taking into account, first of all, the relationship between photography and an object. The author of the article distinguishes and defines four main strategies based on the analysis of selected photographic objects, as well as his own implementations. The main thesis is the existence of various creative strategies in which artists implement execute their concepts by using complementary features of objects and images. According to the author of the article, the analysis and appropriate classification of photographic objects may lead to the development of photographs' usage and knowledge about the perception of a photographic image in the context of architectural space.


photographic object, photo-object, photography in architecture, Beszterda, Kowaliński, Robakowski

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Cited by

Ślachciak, K. (2022). Strategies for creating photographic objects – an attempt at classification. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 18(1), 18–27.


Krzysztof Ślachciak
Institute of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology Poland

Krzysztof (Eng. Christopher) Ślachciak, born in 1983, Poznań, Poland. Artist Photographer, member of The Association of Polish Art Photographers. He graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with masters degree in Korean Studies and on Poznań University of Economics he did postgraduate studies in field of Business to Business Marketing with thesis on advertising photography. Since 2008 he runs his own commercial photography studio. He teaches photography at the Architecture Faculty, Poznań University of Technology. He runs photography artistic science club “ISO”. He also works for promoting artistic photography as a member of the board of The Association of Polish Art Photographers, Greaterpoland region. He also teaches photography at WSCKZiU vocational school in Września. Until now he has shown his works during more than 50 collective and solo exhibitions as well as other artistic events. He is an author of an artbook It’s more likely we’re not special.


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