Serhii Zabolotnii
zabolotniua@gmail.comCherkasy State Business-College (Ukraine)
Artem Honcharov
Cherkasy State Technological University (Ukraine)
Sergii Mogilei
Rauf Ablyazov East European University (Ukraine)
The paper regards a specific class of optimization criteria that possess features of probability. Therefore, constructing objective function of optimization problem, the importance is attached to probability indices that show the probability of some criterial event or events to occur. Factor analysis has been taken for the main method of constructing objective function. Algorithm for constructing objective function of optimization is done for criterion of minimization risk level in multimodal transportations that demanded demonstration data. The application of factor analysis in classical problem solution was shown to give the problem a more distinct analytical interpretation in solving it.
factor analysis, risk function, optimization criterion, multimodal transportationReferences
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Serhii Zabolotniizabolotniua@gmail.com
Cherkasy State Business-College Ukraine
Artem HoncharovCherkasy State Technological University Ukraine
Sergii MogileiRauf Ablyazov East European University Ukraine
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