Volodymyr Barannik

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)

Natalia Barannik

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (Ukraine)


It is shown that the current direction of increasing the safety of information resources when transmitting information in info-communication systems is the use of methods of steganographic instruction in video imagery. The effectiveness of such methods is significantly increased when used in a complex of methods of concealment, which are based on the principles of inconsistent and cosmic communication. At the same time, existing methods of steganographic are used in the process of insertion of information mainly only laws, empty features of visual perception of video images. So, it is justified that the scientific and applied problem, which is to increase the density of embedded messages in the video container with a given level of their reliability, is relevant. The solution of this problem is based on the solution of the contradiction, which concerns the fact that increasing the density of embedded data leads to a decrease in the bit rate of the video container, steganalysis stability, reliability of special information, and video container. Therefore, the research aims to develop a methodology for the steganographic embedding of information, taking into account the regularities of the video container, which are generated by its structural and structural-statistical features. The solution to the posed problem of applying steganographic transformations is proposed to be realised by methods of indirectly embedding parts of the hidden message in certain conditions or functional relationships. The possibility of creating steganographic transformations regarding the indirect embedding and extraction of hidden information in a multiadic basis by modifying the underlying basis system within an admissible set is demonstrated. It is shown that the multiadic system, which is created in the spectral space of DCT transforms, has the potential to form a set of admissible modifications of basis systems.


steganographic transformations, video container, video compression, indirect embedding

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Cited by

Barannik, V., Barannik, N., & Slobodyanyuk, O. (2021). INDIRECT INFORMATION HIDING TECHNOLOGY ON A MULTIADIC BASIS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 11(4), 14–17.


Volodymyr Barannik 

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Ukraine


Natalia Barannik 

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Ukraine


Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University Ukraine


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