Bogdan Sydorchuk
bogdan@terra.rv.uaational University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Rivne, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Oleksandr Naumchuk
ational University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Rivne, Ukraine (Ukraine)
The mathematic model of non-stationary process of heat distribution in soil collector is made. Convection heat transfer in the tube of collector and in depth soil temperature are taken into account. Algorithm of soil collector determination of approximating transmission function collector is created. The results and diagrams of transitional processes and dynamic description of the object are given.
thermal pumps, soil collectors, thermal conductivityReferences
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ational University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Rivne, Ukraine Ukraine
Oleksandr Naumchukational University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Rivne, Ukraine Ukraine
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