Oleksandr Vasilevskyi
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA (United States)

Emanuel Popovici

University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Ireland)

Volodymyr Sarana

University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Ireland)


Taking into account the peculiarities of using the MAX86150 evaluation system for measuring ECG and PPG signals, mathematical models were developed for indirect determination of systolic and diastolic pressure using fingers on the hand, which were tested in the MATLAB environment. Received ECG and PPG signals. Based on the proposed mathematical models, ECG and PPG signals were processed in the MATLAB package and the results of indirect measurement of blood pressure were presented.


systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, ECG and PPG signals, measurement, method for determining blood pressure

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Cited by

Vasilevskyi, O., Popovici, E., & Sarana, V. (2023). MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF SYSTOLIC AND DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE USING ECG AND PPG SIGNALS . Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 13(3), 5–10.


Oleksandr Vasilevskyi
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA United States


Emanuel Popovici 

University College Cork, Cork, Ireland Ireland


Volodymyr Sarana 

University College Cork, Cork, Ireland Ireland


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