Parks, Gardens and Other Forms of Composed Greenery – Boundary Conditions for Contemporary Interventions
Dorota Sikora
dorotasikora@poczta.onet.plKatedra Sztuki Krajobrazu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie (Poland)
The article discusses the resources of Polish parks and historic gardens and their state of preservation. It was emphasized that the specificity of this part of cultural heritage is due to, among others, high share of plant material (living matter) and low durability of historic substance. The most frequent threats were characterized, and the basic principles and basic conditions for the protection, conservation and adaptation to new functions for this group of monuments were formulated. It is indicated that the range of these activities should result from the law and doctrinal documents. The discussed issues are illustrated with Polish and foreign examples - both positive and negative. The article concludes by specifying the areas in which the activities for the protection and conservation of this group of monuments should be strengthened.
historic parks and gardens, monument restoration, monument protectionReferences
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Katedra Sztuki Krajobrazu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie Poland
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