Integrity versus Intervention Boundaries in Modernist Housing Complexes
Case study of the healt/holiday districts in Ustroń
Błażej Ciarkowski
bciarkowski@uni.lodz.plInstitute of the History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz; (Poland)
The aim of this article is to analyze the contemporary situation of post-war modernist building complexes located in the natural landscape of extraordinary values and to distinguish potential opportunities and threats for the future. The analysis was made as a case study of two extraordinary complexes: Ustroń-Zawodzie health district and Ustroń-Jaszowiec holiday district.
Modernist leisure districts are an example of complex urbanist-architectural projects including modern architecture of significant social value adjusted (scale, technology, form) to the natural conditions and built with due regard for the value of the landscape (in the spirit of the modern movement). Their preservation should go beyond the scale of a single architectural object and start from the point where the health-leisure district are considered as a cultural landscape.
post-war modernism, socialist modernism, spatial planning, architecture of leisureReferences
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Institute of the History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz; Poland
Blazej Ciarkowski - MSc and PhD in Architecture from the Lodz University of Technology and M.A. in the History of Art from the University of Lodz. Associate professor in the Institute of Art History, University of Lodz and in the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lodz University of Technology. Author of a number of articles and books on modern architecture and preservation of the modern movement’s heritage. His current research interests focus on post-war modernist architecture, mutual relations between architecture and politics in totalitarian and authoritarian systems, preservation and conservation of the modernist architecture.
Membert of Docomomo International, PKN Icomos.
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