NEW OLD TOWN IN ELBLĄG. A multi-dimensional intervention in a registered historic area.

Katarzyna Wiśniewska
PhD candidate Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology (Poland)


The purpose of this paper is to review the principles of intervention in a registered historic area through a chronological presentation of the various restoration concepts for the Old Town in Elbląg as theoretical foundations for restoration, and to show the transformations in the approach to designing new buildings in a historic area. For almost four decades, the consistent restoration of the Old Town in Elbląg has been theoretically grounded and adapted to present-day conditions.

Using specific examples and defining phases of the restoration of the Old Town in Elbląg, I would like to reflect on whether Retroversion is a process that adapts itself each time to new contemporary needs, or rather Retroversion as an original method came to an end in 2002 when its author ceased to supervise projects, and hence for the past nineteen years we have been simply observing the process of building a New Old Town.


New Old Town, Retroversion, modernity, Brand New Old Town



Cited by

Wiśniewska, K. (2022). NEW OLD TOWN IN ELBLĄG. A multi-dimensional intervention in a registered historic area. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (11). Retrieved from


Katarzyna Wiśniewska
PhD candidate Faculty of Architecture, Poznań University of Technology Poland


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