Modernist urban layout of Gdynia downtown as a monument of history
In 2015, the urban layout of the city center of Gdynia was recognized by the President of the Republic of Poland as a Monument of History. A few years earlier, in 2007, the complex was entered into the register of monuments. The city center was designed and built in the 1920s and 1930s. Of outstanding value is the unique in the European scale complex of modernist buildings with various functions. It is all the time a vibrant central district of the city, in which various transformations are inevitable. The introduction of conservation protection has meant that the development and modernization of this part of the city must be carried out in harmony with the preservation of the cultural heritage. Polish law does not provide for special procedures for the protection and management of the areas of Monuments of History. However, in order to plan the sustainable development and protection of the values of this special area, it is planned to use the UNESCO recommendation on the historical urban landscape.
modernism, architecture, monuments, cultural heritage, GdyniaReferences
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