The historic preservation system – a study of the evolution from 1918 to 2023

Marcin Włodarczyk
Akademia Śląska, Wydział Architektury, Budownictwa i Sztuk Stosowanych (Poland)

Małgorzata Włodarczyk

Włodarczyk + Włodarczyk Architekci (Poland)


The system for the protection of historical monuments has evolved continuously. Its origins in the Polish lands date back to the time of the Partitions of Poland. They are connected with the distinctiveness of the approach to "memento" in the Austrian, Prussian and Russian partitions. The Austrian partition was dominated by a collegial mode for resolving conservation issues and the use of public opinion. This model was largely the basis for the creation of the preservation system in 1918, in free Poland. In the course of 105 years, its organisation and functioning have changed many times. It still requires constant improvement and reflection in such dynamically changing social, political, scientific and technical conditions. These are not the only factors that indicate the directions in which change is sought. The social factor is also important, evident both in the need to protect monuments and in the increasingly strong need for broadly interpreted care for monuments, contemporary cultural assets and cultural and landscape heritage.  The legal factor, related to the codification of the issues of monument protection, building law and space conditions, was and is also extremely important. A 'standardisation' and integration of the system of protection of monuments and cultural heritage seems to be needed. It may also be worth considering a so-called Conservation Code that would standardise the whole issue.


protection regime, regulation, monuments, heritage

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Cited by

Włodarczyk, M., & Włodarczyk, M. (2023). The historic preservation system – a study of the evolution from 1918 to 2023. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (18), 164–190.


Marcin Włodarczyk
Akademia Śląska, Wydział Architektury, Budownictwa i Sztuk Stosowanych Poland


Małgorzata Włodarczyk 

Włodarczyk + Włodarczyk Architekci Poland


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